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Aikido is more than the study of physical techniques; proper etiquette, attitude and behavior are also stressed. The basic movements of aikido are circular in nature. The student trains to harmonize with, rather than confront an aggressive line of force and converts it into a circular motion that renders attackers helpless. Aikido is not a sport and hence there are no competitive tournaments. As traditional Japanese budo, aikido maintains the qualities of martial spirit, effective technique and intense training. This, coupled with the premise of mutual respect and caring, promotes the important balance between attacker and defender and the focus on unifying mind, body and spirit.
Beginning anything new can be challenging. At the dojo, we hope to make this procees easy. Just come and watch a class, ask questions, become familiar with what we do and how we do it, and then try our 6 week introductory program. You will begin your classes working with senior students who will help guide you through basic prinicipals, and you will be supported and encouraged every stop of the way. No contracts, no additional fees, no unifroms required. See details about our introductory program below.

When and how can I start? You may start any time after you observe a class, simply fill out the release form and pay $60. The 6 weeks begins the day you sign up
What should I wear? You may start the 6 week intro wearing comfortable clothes such as yoga pants or track pants, and a t-shirt. Long pants are suggested in order to avoid mat burns on your knees.
Do I need to sign any contracts or make any other commitments? No, we have no membership contracts at all.
How will I know what to do once I begin? You will follow the structure of the class, and as a beginner you will always be paired with a partner who will help you throughout the class.
Is the $60 fee refundable? No, this discounted package is not refundable.
How do I get a uniform? A dogi is not required during the intro but must be purchased in order to continue beyond the 6 weeks. You may purchase one at through the dojo at any time or buy one on your own.
How often can I come during the intro? You are welcome to take as many classes as you’d like. The full schedule is available to you:
Mondays 6:00-7:00 pm / Wednesday 6:00-7:00 pm/ Thursdays 9:00-10am / Fridays 6:30-7:30 am / Saturdays 9:00-10:00 am
How do I continue after the 6 weeks is over? You will simply pay the prorated balance at the full membership fee for the time remaining in the month at the end of the 6 weeks, and then continue on our regular membership plan. The monthly fee is $105 and we use an auto-debit system for scheduled monthly payments.
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